giovedì 16 novembre 2023

OAIA not know space(english)

OAIA ong school science of inclusion oaiaubam 2020 OAIA UBAM 2024 Dr.Umberto Bielli





Interaction (OAIA Thread-feeding)


Internal (Derrida Deleuze-intra-personal) and external (inter-personal) relationship







Sensitivity = what

Intellect = concept (between sentience and concept the Kantian transcendental scheme)

Doubts = semiosis and written and spoken linguistic communication reveal the soul's doubts without which we would not need morals and a behavioural code as vectors of growth.

Certainties = dogmatic necessary mechanistic and universal certainty of the eternal and incontrovertible True.

The sign = from the Latin signum also has the meaning of a visible, evident trace, almost a cut that highlights an inconsistency that lives (or does not live) behind. The sign is the trace of the not know space. 


In the not-know space (negative) the different do not polarise, the quantities do not oppose each other and do not relate; there is no more and less; there are no wars or peace.

The not-know space is the starting space from where intuitions and instincts originate (four post-OAIA "I "s) without necessity and determination.

Freedom and Spirit: in the not-know space as in the magnanimous and non-pusillanimous Soul ripe for life (OAIA Soul 10 points post).

From the not knowing space our knowledge starts when we do not yet need to call it knowledge.Difficult to quantify, necessary to attempt.

The unit of measurement of this ontological NEGATIVE ONE or gnoseological not-know-space is the UBAM (see post UBAM unit of personal and iridescent measurement).

The unary relations resolved in the property of a quality-state-capacity-sensible-evidence-figure (Aristotle) can be understood in their matrix within a place where we do not polarise and do not care for empirical purposes.The NEGATIVE ONE is the solution.

Understanding the different is like entering the absolute non-diverse where Faith is unique and not subject to social religions or particular philosophical systems.

From not knowing space to knowing space.


OAIAIA project oaiaubam

OAIA alternative teaching alternative to IRC where given (believers all and non-believers).History of the various evolutions of philosophical-religious thought without oppositional fideistic motivational implications.

NIRC new historical teaching of the Christian Catholic religion in Italy and Catholic countries throughout the world.

NOT KNOW SPACE negative as the place of the absolute negative One: departure also for a new worldwide social inter-action without oppositional distinctions or polarisations.

Now alternative to Religion as basic liberal philosophical social teaching and Religion as a system to "religate" (RS structural functional see post) free men and "autonomous" spirits from any "religious group" in the world.

Social Religion,Belief,Faith(cognitive funnel OAIA post).Progressive triad from the particular (Social Religion) to the general (Faith) common to all philosophical-religious systems of thought.

Faith as a common matrix for the elevation of the Spirit of every rational living being:above the various social RS-Religions of the various countries to which they belong;above the various polytheisms,henotheisms,the various monolatries and all monotheisms.

Dr Umberto Bielli

Oaia ong OAIAUBAM 2021 OAIA UBAM 2024 Dr.Umberto Bielli

all rights reserved OAIA2020 copyright by UBAM editors

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