venerdì 24 maggio 2024

OAIA one/many NIHIL theory(versione inglese uno/molti teoria NULLA)

OAIA oaiaubam philosophical project about inclusion and inter-action dott.Umberto Bielli ngo 

Man in the world 

The Universe is 13.8 billion years old

The Solar System and Earth are 4.5 billion years old

Paleolithic 2 million/10000 years ago

Mesolithic 10000/8000-6500 years ago

Neolithic 8000-6500/3000 years ago

First human relationships and corporate aggregations

Catal Huyuc 

first human civilization 9000 years ago - mesolithic -

(present-day Türkiye) 

Lepenski vir

first continental city 14th century BC

(today eastern Serbia,Danube) 

~Peoples and peoples before the first millennium BC (Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians)

People concept

~5th century BC. C. Classical Greece


Poleis city-state ancient Greece


People in relationship with God 

~Imperial ROME


~Christianity and various monotheisms

 Individual only SOUL (S.Agostino)

Some people think that man's philosophy and thought are latent and hidden by the formation of civilization and politics because the thinker, mixed in with most of the polis, continually needs to uncover the Truth and is not always able not to get lost in the superficialities of the masses. 

Thinker who dares to go, often, against Religion. 

The great philosophers succeeded anyway. They have conveyed vices and virtues, hopes and reason, feelings and tragedies up to our times: everything to be learned.

The Christian religion loses the Sacred when it wants to bring God closer to man, losing rituality and "respect" towards the non-human and non-reasonable. Oblivion of the Sacred. Charity is doing good to God through good to others: God close and desacralized.

20th century AD 


Utopian socialism


Vain attempts to re-socialize 

We live in (secluded) apartments alone and fill ourselves with psychotropic drugs. We should instead learn to feel our emotional state and the transition from impulses to emotions. We would thus understand the differences between people as well as between finite entities. Finite and different.

In the past, the people who lived near the sea had more opportunities to exchange ideas (with the consequent danger of continuous fights and wars); those in the mountains were driven to isolation.

Today we have the possibility of exchanging everything and everyone but we are the loneliest individuals who have walked on planet Earth. Obsessive nomadism of ideas and bodies.

In the past the Greek agora was the place of exchange; today the meeting place is not the square outside the house but the social platform(Linkedin, Instagram, FB, Tic Tok, WhatsApp). The language increasingly simplifies syntactic/semantic/pragmatic constructs to the point of almost using pre-packaged "drawings" that recall Neolithic rock carvings(such as tattoos on the body, the subject of Semiology) . Cyclicalities that make us reflect. Wars return, societies mask progress as eternal human principles.Cyclic time or linear time.

Santo Mazzarino (1916-1987), historian, proposes the solution of one in the other. Time returns but changed.

21st century AD




4. Nomadism (psychic, physical, online) 

Nomadism of the 21st century AD remembers the one between MESOLITHIC and NEOLITHIC.

The writing of Social Media recalls - stickers, smileys, GIFs - that of the pre-linguistic and pre-historical rock drawings of the begin of the Neolithic(8000 years ago and the beginning of sedentary lifestyle).

Semiology of "speed"

(technique, market, speed, nomadism of the 21st century AD).

It seems like we're going back to the initial cycle of human civilizations.

Nomadism, aggregation between humans and simplified communication are the first constants in history.

The other constants are the burial of the dead, the relationship with the deities, the management of marriages, the education and training of children, nutrition as social coefficients of social maturation, the reception and enjoyment of Beauty.

First twenty years of the 3rd millennium AD:

Solitude of sociability




Everything is a technique of isolating people to make them run more and more and fight worse and worse.

Destruction of Nature for the market. 

20th century AD

Society of discipline until 1968. Sense of inadequacy because my identity weakens forced into the functional apparatus of corporate structures. Then the criticisms of this system, the struggles. Have we arrived at a social conscience that sees man for what he is? Man who has a rationality similar to an island in the sea of ​​the irrational (Kant).

21st century AD



Everything is Reason.

We are all equal in Reason (mercantile RATIO). 

We are all different in our drives, moods, feelings, emotions and passions (ART).

Man is beyond of Reason.

Man has therefore disappeared. Man is resentment, erotic drive, emotional states, deep stratified psyche, words spoken by mistake that cause anxiety and anguish, ethics that change in the most disparate times and places. 

We need to go back to the ancient Greek man/nature relationship. 

Respect and ethics in the relationship with Nature.

In Heidegger, Technology is necessary as a relationship I/other than me (subject/object). Technology is the possibility of humanistic RELATIONSHIP which cancels NIHILISM which is completely necessary (with the consequent deleterious cancellation of man). 

OAIA report 



CRITICISM skepticism





SEMIOLOGY and meaning in communication

1.Transcendent KANT=beyond the object one cannot know - transcendental I - 

2.Phenomenological HUSSELL=intends the object - phenomenological I -

3.Ontological HEIDEGGER=being beyond the existential entity beyond the existential - metaphysical self - 

4.Hermeneutic GADAMER=interprets the other as other than the thinking subject

OAIA: new humanistic technical man/nature relationism








OAIA Quantity in Awareness of Positive NIHIL. 

Difference between finite entities = emotional psyche emotional state - feelings, emotions, empathic abilities (emotional resonance), drives, affective states, passions - all different in emotions. 

Indifference non-distinction = logical mathematical reason mental state-mental qualia-. All equal in reason.

The technique is now necessary and indispensable:

for example today we don't listen to people's words due to hybris (arrogance and presumption); the only alternative is the video (technique) which convinces by dissolving the chronic and encrusted presumption of most people. 

Are the old words not convincing? Short videos arrive as the basis of communication.

However, I have to learn both rational technique and emotion and empathic skills.

Art=confusion, madness, violence


Reason-diaballein devil : put against.What? 

It divides and distances the Sacred from the non-Sacred. 

We reason when the Sacred is far away because the Sacred is confusion that distances the ratio. 

ART symbol

Symbolum - unite bring closer: art is symbol, that is, union of what I see and what I don't see (=what I don't see is my ecstasy - staying outside of what I see). This generates madness (in those who create and in those who enjoy of art), madness-madness. 

You understand man when you insert him into madness, art, good and bad, everything and nothing. 


3 relational steps:

1. Relationship between entities 

PHYSICS techno-science

2.Relationship between physical entity and its first cause METAPHYSICS eidos-idea

3. Relationship between space of knowledge-quantiality (know space OAIA) and space where one cannot enter not due to lack of will but due to lack of ontos (not know space OAIA) 

NIHIL, a necessary condition FOR no-NIHIL, has been forgotten today.

Heidegger thinks of being as absolute-negative nothingness.

Then NIHIL more. 

NOTHING was before 13.8 billion years ago, when the Universe was born and 4.5 billion years ago, when the Earth was born.


When emptiness/nothingness arrives in the mind, everyone takes psychotropic drugs.


NIHIL POSITIVE OAIA oaiaubam in the Cartesian axes (physics/metaphysics/nothingness) wants to arrange a hope for the future with thoughts and cognitions: everything taken, fished out of Nothingness.

What I know now was previously in Nothingness.

NOTHING is the solution.

Dott.Umberto Bielli OAIA prees

Copyright by redazione OAIA 2020-2026

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