OAIA ong school science of inclusion oaiaubam 2020 OAIA UBAM 2021 Dr. Umberto Bielli
From the OAIA gnoseological formula for 3 x 3 negation (A-negation,B-negation,C-positive)
Presumption of knowledge
2.Infodemic bulimia
3.Baconian idola to be demolished
1.Negative Opposite
Positive Opposite
3.Non-resolving eracliteal enantiodromia
1.Iconic or similar objective model
2.Competential model or sustained knowledge vector
3.Propositional or logical verifiable model
(positive negation the last three)
Primary concepts magister
~Quark hadrons
(atom,monad,herbartian real)
Negative scale for quantified and quantitative disknowledge: the OAIA quantiality.Mental union of quantum and qualia, quarks and elementarities of knowledge.The non-measurable experiential is measured.Negative docimology of mental growth.Negative didactics like that of St. Augustine: learner grappling with his own 'self-education'.
Rungs of a ladder down to the UBAM unit of measurement as an element of discernment of knowledge.Do I know so much or so little?
A unit of measurement by defect-negation of knowledge serves the knowledge of the future pragma quantifiable and viable in a moral dimension of growth (pedagogy,andragogy,geragogy).
n.1 UBAM non-objective unit of measurement
UBAM : 1. "I have understood" personal experience of gnosis quantified and individualised in the expression "I have understood".Complex the indeterminate and subjective mechanism of the process that leads to the point of no return felt as "I have understood".Something however must return denoted by the experience of the sender to the receiver: language, pushed to the extreme, offers propositional models that help comprehension.Beyond, silence.
Art,Religion,Philosophy.Synoptic Teleology.
Semasiology and onomasiology open the doors to the understanding of the linguistic lemma at the basis of the 20th century analytical understanding.The great wealth of syntagmatic-syntactic, semantic and pragmatic propositional potential illuminates but does not dig the Spirit as deep as it should.One must search for the gnoseological WHAT.
Three moments of non-different diversity:
-Causation and correlation
-Identity theory
-Indiscernible theory (Leibniz: there are no different 'number only' entities)
I-other relations
Unary,binary,n-ary relations within the concept of properties.I am an "I" with properties (high,low,believing,fearful).
My properties can also belong to others and,therefore,I am always in relation with others (musician,thief,sportsman).It is sufficient to understand that an individual possesses properties because he "predicts" something about himself every time he acts/plays by expressing himself with logical connectives.I am(connective)beautiful.Hence the relation is understood in its living ontology.
The QUANTO as a UBAM gnosiometric unit of measurement.
Root of the different in the root of the identical.Before being different you are identical.Identical is relation to yourself,different is relation to the non-identical.
Diversity fundamental moment OAIAUBAM(post oaiaubam).
Critical proto
Different proto
Triadic models OAIA~post oaia~
Different,Soul(6 points),Values,Faith ~post OAIA~ synoptic tables
For a model of knowledge on an inverted negative scale: from what I know to the initial individual zero (total non-knowledge).Prejudices,reservations,preconceptions and pre-understandings take away space for knowledge.Getting rid of them,the only way.A similar ascetic path of Schopenhauerian nolonta'.
Didactic learning:
~Learning by execution(Behaviourism)
~Learning by discovery(Gestalt)
~Learning by construction(Constructivism)
Oaia:alter-constructivism by quantum negation backwards up to 1 UBAM (1 unit of measurement of the immeasurable Spirit of knowledge).individual quantized rung ladder:1 UBAM is 1 rung.the rung is a cognitive quantum.to "pheonomenologically" (Brentano,Husserl) intend a portion-the smallest- of knowledge to make it the basis for measuring our knowledge.deconstructionism of the known to construct the unknown.Just as a km (kilometre) is used to understand and study routes,roads,bridges,tunnels,terrain,mountains,seas (nautical mile) and extreme geographical boundaries.Now,however,knowledge and knowledge,skills and abilities are measured.Ontics and ontology,empiricism and rationalism,spirit and matter,the one and the many,melos and logos,reductionism and anti-reductionism without interruption.Oaia wants to crystallise the pusillanimity~magnanimity transition in the psychometricity of the Soul and its functions (OAIA soul functions-post 6 functions and 4 objectives-).
OAIA and UBAM.Foundationalism and anti-foundationalism,analytical and continental thought,hermeneutic code and its negation,constructionism and deconstructionism in the OAIA thought of knowledge by discrete and quantified negation in the search for the various measurable individual UBAMs within the framework of 21st century gnoseological subjectivism.
Dr.Umberto Bielli UBAM
Oaia ong OAIAUBAM 2021 OAIA UBAM 2021 Dr.Umberto Bielli